
For the second year, we’re offering a variety of learning opportunities during the Lenten season that will give you choices regarding time, duration and subject matter. I hope each of you will choose to participate in some way, and that your choice leads to spiritual growth and enlightenment for you.

One way to enhance your Lenten journey is to begin, or end, each day by picking up this Guide (you can stop by the church office). The writers have used the Daily Texts as a guide and have done their best to share their thoughts about how the Word of God is speaking to them. It is an important task. You will be inspired by what you read.

This is the sixth consecutive year that we’ve undertaken this project. More than 1,000 are printed each year for use within this congregation and to be given away to others. Consider whom
you might present with this gift of scripture and commentary. We pray it will lead all readers to greater understanding.

As always, we are grateful to the writers and artists, and to Paula Chrysson as graphic designer who has been loyal to the project from its inception. Most of all, we ask God to bless this work and may it be used for His glory.

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Mrs. Rachel Moody Weavil is the Administrative Assistant at New Philadelphia Moravian Church

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