
Stewardship 2019

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heav’nly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”


Our Stewardship emphasis for 2019 has focused on the many ways that God has shared His blessings with us – with us as individuals and families, as well as with us as the church family of New Philadelphia Moravian. As we sing in worship, all blessings flow from God to us, and from us to the world.

During our Stewardship Sundays this month, we have shared the ways we serve like Jesus, love like Jesus, and live like Jesus as we seek to share God’s blessings with each other and with the world.
Our Stewardship Brochure we distributed is a celebration of the ministry and service of New Philadelphia Moravian Church. It shows how we allow God’s blessings to flow from us into the world. It is a reminder of all that we do together. And it is a call to a new commitment to the ministry, service, and fellowship of this congregation. God is doing great things among us and through us and God needs our commitment to allow His work to thrive and His love to be made known.
During the past two weeks of Stewardship, we hope you have prayerfully sought His guidance in how you may support the work of the Church. In your Sunday, November 18 bulletin, you will find a 2019 Pledge Card; all families are encouraged to fill out their card and together, bring it to the front of the church during the playing of the last hymn.

If by chance you are unable to attend worship this Sunday and would like to receive a Pledge Card, please contact the church office at 336.765.2331; though we do hope to see you in church!

“May all that we do and say and live be a witness, be a prayer, and be a celebration.” 

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Mrs. Rachel Moody Weavil is the Administrative Assistant at New Philadelphia Moravian Church

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