
The following were elected to serve on 2023 Church Boards:

Board of Elders – Sandra Chitty, Amy Guthrie, Emily McNeil, Tim Ward

Board of Trustees – Tony Andrews, Bill Donald, Mary Jane Pickard, Deborah Thompson


Thank you to those who have faithfully served the past three years:

Board of Elders – Michael Crane, Cindy Daggett, Andi Williams, Kay Windsor

Board of Trustees – Bruce Bradley, Tony Ebert, David Stanfield, Susie Tickle


The following proposal was approved by 2/3 majority at Congregational Council:

Proposal to Incorporate Youth Representatives in all Proceedings Pertaining to the Board of Elders

WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations of New Philadelphia Moravian Church, approved by the Congregational Council of October 27, 2019, contain terminology referencing the appointment and subsequent duties of a Youth Representative to Church Boards; and 


WHEREAS, the duties of a Youth Representative to a Church Board as stated in the Rules and Regulations of New Philadelphia Moravian Church, approved by the Congregational Council of October 27, 2019, allow the youth representatives appointed to the Boards to have voice but not vote; and


WHEREAS, the word “baptism” comes from the Greek word “baptidzo” meaning dip or immerse, and baptized believers, including youth, who presently vote in the Congregational Council, need to be more fully immersed in the life of the congregation and the work of the Holy Spirit; and


WHEREAS, the demographics of New Philadelphia Moravian Church are ever-changing and our youth need to be part of the present as well as the future of our congregation; and


WHEREAS, a consensus goal of our congregation throughout tenuous times is to promote the youth as a vital part of the congregation, and giving our youth not only a voice but also the ability to vote on certain matters can help us work toward that goal; and


WHEREAS, current Youth Representatives perform many functions similar to the responsibilities shared by adult Board Members in nearly all ways other than voting rights, including but not limited to ushering and greeting at church services, presentation of proposals (including a proposal that resulted in the reinstatement of the second worship service on Sunday mornings), adjourning of meetings, and providing helpful thoughts and insights on many and varied matters at meetings; therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that the statement in the Rules and Regulations of New Philadelphia Moravian Church, approved by the Congregational Council of October 27, 2019, that currently says:



    Section 1. General: …

“4.  Youth Representatives appointed to both boards shall have voice, but not vote, and their names will not be added to any legally binding contracts entered into by the board they serve.” (pg. 8)

be amended to say:



    Section 1. General: …

“4. Youth Representatives appointed to both boards shall have voice in all matters, and vote in decisions related to the following matters:


  • General spiritual life of the congregation.
  • Services and meetings of the church in accordance with “The Property Guidelines of New Philadelphia Moravian Church.”
  • Visioning and planning for the Christian training of the adults, youth and children of the congregation and the planning of programs and activities for the congregation.
  • Appointment and approval of positions within the church which shall be deemed necessary by the board (Acolytes, sacristans, head dieners, head coffeemaker, head usher and others as required within).
  • Appointment or approval of various committees deemed necessary by the board and appointment of representatives to those committees where the Joint Board judges that Board members should be represented.
  • Scheduling and planning of Lovefeasts.
  • Scheduling and planning of the annual Congregational Council.
  • Promotion of awareness concerning the spiritual affairs of the congregation.


and their names will not be added to any legally binding contracts entered into by the board they serve.”


Submitted by Ryan MacReynolds and Beckett Koontz (Elders Youth Representatives) with the affirmation of the Board of Elders


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