Children's Ministry

At New Philadelphia Moravian Church, we are dedicated to helping all of our children learn to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. The process of educating our children begins in the home, but a Sunday School program like ours will pay out a lifetime of dividends for you and your children.

Infant/Toddler Nursery

Care is provided for infants and toddlers on Sunday mornings during both services and the Sunday School hour. Professional child care workers and volunteer members of the church staff the nursery. Nursery care is also provided for other church sponsored activities as needed.

Christian Education for Children & Youth

Classes are available for children three years of age through 12th grade on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m.. These classes provide children and teens the opportunity to hear God’s word, learn about life in Biblical times, and learn how the Christian faith impacts life today. All first graders participating in our Sunday School are presented Bibles during a worship service in the fall.

Children ages 2 – 5 years old have Sunday school in a self-contained class taught by different Sunday school teachers each month. We use a standard curriculum that is based on teaching the basic Bible stories. Crafts, music, computers and snacks are incorporated into the lessons. Children in our elementary Sunday school program in the following age categories:

  • Nursery – Room 221
  • K-1st – Room 234
  • 2nd & 3rd – Room 230
  • 4th & 5th – room 229
  • Middle High – Youth Building
  • Senior High – Youth Building


We have a wonderful group of committee teachers that work each month with our elementary children. Games, storytelling, music and crafts are incorporated into our Sunday school lessons.

Children enjoy worshiping with their families at our 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. Special age appropriate bulletins are available from the ushers. During worship, younger children who feel comfortable are invited forward for the Children’s Message. Following the message children 4 years through second grade may leave for Children’s Worship in room 222. Parents may pick up their children at the end of the worship service.
This class is designed for elementary students 2nd grade and older, and is taught by the pastors. It is designed to prepare young people for their first communion. Parents should look for signs that their child is ready to participate in the Lord’s Supper. One of the pastors would be happy to speak with you regarding your child’s interest. Once it is determined that they are ready, children and their parents are invited to attend the class, ordinarily offered each spring.
New Philly Kids is a youth fellowship group consisting of children K – 5th grade and their parents that meet once a month. It provides our young people the opportunity to form relationships within the church that benefit them as Middle High Youth. This group also participates in several local mission projects throughout the year which includes the Penny Campaign (for Samaritans Ministries), the “Souper” Bowl of Caring (which provides food for local agencies), and the Shoebox Ministry.
See the Youth page for information about Middle School and Senior High Youth.