Are you interested in participating? Contact the church office ([email protected]) for additional information.
President: Jane Shore
Co-Vice Presidents: Darlene Reinhardt and Lynnette Welborn
Secretary: Susan Stockwell
Treasurer: Mary Ruth McRae
Asst. Treasurer: Susie Tickle
#1 – Kathy Johnson or Tina McSwain, 4th Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Responsibility: Flowers on graves at Easter and Decorating Christmas Trees
#2 – Patsy Dinkins, 1st Tuesday, 9:45 a.m.
Honorary Meets for Bible Study
#5 – Deanna Williams, 2nd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.
Responsibility: Candle Trimming & Tray Cleaning
#8 – Jane Shore and Cathy Ebert, 3rd Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Responsibility: Community Service, Fruit bags to Shut-ins at Thanksgiving
Cathy Ebert, Leader
Jane Shore, Assistant